Kyrie Woodard (me)

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von theqweewee
Why can't you see past this happy-go-lucky girl and see the real me. Honestly, I am depressed. People need to see past the cover of others and see through. They need to understand me. I don't need them. I have no idea what comes next. We don't know what happens. But it is our choices that make us, us. I don't know what to say to you, or how to say it to you, but you have to choose what is right, whether I do or not. You go be yourself, emo, gay, black, or happy. Whatever you are, you be it.

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afbwelter 11 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
I cannot see it because you do not show me. Surely, you don't think that it is other people's duties to see something that you intentionally hide, right? The idea is selfish. If you want people to see the real you then show it. If you don't, then do not show it. End of story.

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