Cupcakes - Orangenormal

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von orangenormal
Hello? Is anyone there? I brought cupcakes! If someone could just grab this box from me, I... Hey, you. Yes you, the one typing. Could you lend me a hand just for a second? I've got more cupcakes in the car, but only two hands, so if you could just help me out here, that'd be great. Hello? I'm right behind you; if you could just stop typing for a moment... Hello? Hello? Well, forget it then!

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user93811 94.17 99.2%
rubenpire7 87.14 100%
rrapattoni 85.54 95.4%
user949982 82.74 97.8%
user468593 75.61 95.9%
user781461 70.09 96.8%
tsquared76 69.60 95.2%
clickclackm00 68.87 94.7%
kris10 55.81 98.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user468593 75.61 95.9%
rubenpire7 87.14 100%
tsquared76 69.60 95.2%
clickclackm00 68.87 94.7%
rrapattoni 85.54 95.4%
user781461 70.09 96.8%
user107597 28.25 94.0%
user949982 82.74 97.8%