Sadness - Jonathan P.

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von jp7451
Everyday tons and tons of people are suffering. Everyday tons and tons of people are weeping. Everyday tons and tons of people are neglected. A lot of these people also are commonly mistreated in public. A perfect example is when a student is always bullied at school. Have those bullies even cracked a thought of what goes on in that student's life? That is an example of sadness in our world today.

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magellan 6 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
What do you suppose is the proper response for bullying in schools? Keep in mind financial, expertise, and person-hour constraints.
dvorakdan 7 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
Have you ever cracked a thought of what goes on in the lives of those bullies?
teilo 10 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Since when are people measured by weight and not by number?

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