online typing test

Memento - Christopher Nolan

This online typing test wurde hinzugefügt von marc3
When I looked into his eyes I thought I saw recognition. Now I know. You fake it. If you think you're supposed to recognize somebody you, you just pretend. You bluff it to get a pat on the head from the doctors. You bluff it to seem less like a freak.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses online typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user871724 157.27 96.6%
samuraininja 138.97 97.3%
tokugawapants 130.23 99.2%
coryeleg 123.94 100%
markml0528 122.59 99.6%
grid 122.21 99.6%
corey 121.20 100%
tomchu77 119.47 97.7%
gray 118.44 98.4%

Kürzlich für online typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
cristalyn 27.52 93.7%
ashrosetta123 79.00 91.9%
user109229 44.12 93.3%
ben.tomo.132 100.16 95.8%
typinglindsey 76.40 94.0%
user107563 70.45 98.1%
arun0609 46.40 90.6%
typinglindsey 81.62 97.7%