I don't want to go out with you - Unknown

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von dburrows12
Attractive as is the imminent prospect of an amorous interlude and not unsympathetic to the solicitous parlance of your request, I nevertheless deem it emotionally incumbent to more realistically confine my courtship practices to members of the immediate human species. In other words, I don't want to go out with you.

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yurilewd 7 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
What in the world is this fedora quote right now.
user54569 10 Jahre vor
Ha, love this quote. Do they have a button for 'favorite this quote'? That would be helpful so I could look at it later.
malevolarky 10 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
The phrase "immediate human species" confuses me. I guess it makes sense if you take a time machine back to paleolithic times, and a Neanderthal asks you out.

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