Music - Precillano D. Lumaghan, Jr.

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user40305
I know Music is in the air, all you need to do is feel it and listen. Music is everything, music is everywhere because music is life. No music, no life.

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user469751 7 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
Music is an expression of what is in our souls. Without God, our souls can only express sadness, confusion and anger.
child_of_god 7 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
I would say, "No God, no life". Music is only part of life, as a medium to invigorate in the splendid blessings of our Heavenly Father. The harmonic rhythms, that vibrate in numerical ratios, are only a tiny complexity of the vast instruments our sapient creator has left us with.

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