Maniac Monster - prongsvssquid

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user935591
Whenever I meet someone who likes Harry Potter, I get really excited but I have to tell myself to calm down and be cool and tread carefully because chances are they just like Harry Potter and I don't want to scare them off by unleashing the Harry Potter maniac monster within me in all its glory.

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teilo 10 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
You should get some help for that.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
sebbychan 130.28 99.3%
aloneagainor 123.56 97.4%
starl1ng 121.29 99.3%
peggyrwa 119.21 97.7%
ocean.side 118.53 100%
dvorakptreg 118.27 98.0%
ilovejujubee 118.03 98.0%
synnekorino 117.89 94.3%
samuraininja 115.09 93.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
cprater 29.07 95.2%
gicorone 62.39 93.4%
stalasphyx 87.79 98.0%
flappingbird 91.15 94.6%
him997 47.88 94.3%
ashell118 29.76 90.9%
artnino_15 51.62 92.2%