qwerty typing test

The Spirit of Laws - Baron de Montesquieu

This qwerty typing test wurde hinzugefügt von juice43
In every government there are three sorts of power; the legislative; the executive, in respect to things dependent on the law of nations; and the executive, in regard to things that depend on the civil law.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses qwerty typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
tokugawapants 139.31 100%
lolololpie 130.97 99.0%
sokend 118.64 98.5%
cephiro 112.46 99.0%
synaptic 111.32 99.0%
mgreen22097 107.50 99.5%
earplayer 107.25 98.5%
aheidler 104.83 99.5%
gilligilliam 104.22 99.5%

Kürzlich für qwerty typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
jessie13 27.44 97.2%
user105008 65.57 94.5%
user109145 45.30 90%
badoo 66.68 95.8%
arun0609 37.93 82.2%
user85179 86.11 93.2%
user468593 75.00 94.1%
yoko 76.41 92.4%