A Good Tip for Everyone - Adrian Beltran

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von afbwelter
Your brain is like a muscle that tires as muscles do. If you use it more it will improve, but use it for too long in one day and it will tire. This is normal. Unless you give your brain a break it will only get slower, and every quote that you type with a lower accuracy will train your brain to do the wrong thing. If you do not stop, make sure you have the patience, grasshopper, to let your WPM go down to increase your accuracy so you can do better next week. I'm no doctor, but you can trust me.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user871724 151.53 95.4%
jpadtyping 141.65 97.7%
brainfreezy 133.10 97.3%
starl1ng 130.52 99.8%
skadbob 128.51 98.0%
bengibbardiii 127.72 97.8%
ilovejujubee 126.92 96.2%
ocean.side 124.96 99.6%
pheehandy 122.74 98.8%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
amman66 86.68 94.0%
donoshea 89.92 93.8%
silxnt_kxng 67.99 94.5%
bhavikaasharma_ 102.50 97.3%
user843630 85.69 96.2%
js88 56.61 91.4%
jules831 66.69 92.4%
user871724 151.53 95.4%