Typing Skill - Sathya Selvaraj

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user43018
Typing Skill may look difficult. But when practicing it gives some satisfaction and after learning the skill it makes us to be proud. Also when competing with others we come to know our capability and the place where we are.

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vfuqua55 8 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Typing Skill (what does this mean?) may look difficult, but when practicing, it gives some satisfaction. After learning the skill, it makes us proud. Also, when competing with others, we come to know our capability. (And the place where we are can probably be cut.)
dvorakdan 8 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
I agree rifleman, but I am not about editing ideas, just the grammar. Might give this a red face though.
rifleman 8 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
This quote is in poor English. Consider revising it.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
typin_ 172.45 97.8%
eventlogging 170.00 100%
destiny2 163.67 97.8%
ilovejujubee 145.53 100%
stormspirit97 136.75 98.2%
bengibbardiii 130.57 99.6%
stringerbell 127.57 100%
user57026 126.87 99.6%
user72337 120.60 97.4%
tetriks3 119.25 94.9%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
iluvkim.mingyu 31.04 98.3%
wengsky1020 30.57 98.7%
cel- 42.31 81.9%
jenslysajan 93.70 93.7%
junda 72.48 94.9%
kyle_w 114.29 97.4%
user89506 29.07 94.1%
hitinok 63.71 95.7%