Rehman Khan

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von rehman_00001
Lonely hours are the best hours of our life because it's the only time we share our deepest secrets with that one person whom we trust the most: ourselves. So share your secrets with yourself whenever possible. You can't find a better person then yourself.

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afbwelter 10 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
I think that whenever you were writing this quote you were intentionally making it as annoying as possible to type. I also completely disagree with this quote. It's the moments we spend with others that make our lives special.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
user491757 158.51 100%
2001or2 132.19 88.6%
atinynat 129.49 98.5%
jgdude 122.26 95.9%
trishadgk 119.15 93.8%
kyle_w 108.91 95.9%
user846837 108.23 99.2%
derpqwerty 106.93 98.5%
gwaldrop 103.90 94.8%

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whasingmachine 62.39 99.2%
pcerda 59.79 91.8%
trishadgk 119.15 93.8%
atinynat 129.49 98.5%
youdontwantokno 74.77 93.8%
cewial 90.07 96.2%
user349339 50.78 93.8%
maadj 67.89 91.4%