The person currently typing

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von whitechicks992
How long do I have to sit here and type this? You would think I could just walk away from this, but I can't. It's mildly addicting but annoying at the same time. Can someone save me? Anyone?

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dvorakdan 8 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
It is so true, sometimes I say "just one game..." and it turns into twenty minutes or more. One more, I can get a 50 (40, 60, 70 whatever your skill level and goal) on the next one, I just know it. Did get a 46.45 on this, so maybe just one more game.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
ejh1109 150.79 100%
dustinjay91 150.53 99.0%
nightdevil 139.44 93.5%
wolfram 138.78 96.4%
user263163 136.95 96.4%
koda 131.50 99.0%
agndesigns 130.94 100%
samuraininja 129.45 97.4%
u557051 128.76 96.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
theaps 25.37 89.2%
peppsmint 65.90 91.4%
koda 131.50 99.0%
bp.kuma 64.89 96.4%
fabien73 41.02 88.0%
trippyblues 56.79 92.7%
rubenpire7 86.71 96.9%
somerandomppl 67.74 89.7%