Learn via mistakes - Rohan Yadav

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user44356
The first act of intelligence is to make a mistake; and the first act of foolishness is to repeat your own mistake. The most important and the easiest education in the world is the education learnt via our own mistakes.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user871724 162.15 95.6%
wolfram 155.79 98.6%
bihnkim 146.73 97.8%
cbrady 144.47 98.2%
no-reset 136.50 99.1%
user381085 134.80 97.3%
bennyhung 133.73 96.5%
user491757 133.44 95.6%
sakum 131.14 98.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
designatedmounter 90.40 97.8%
ftr3j011 59.52 95.2%
user85179 69.69 86.6%
swolchuck 75.36 97.3%
reasonablereason 83.85 95.2%
whhow2 78.38 95.2%
kobo 64.54 85.2%
magesh 107.17 97.8%