More Typing Advice - A Procrastinator

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von malevolarky
When you are learning to touch type, consciously try to keep the ends of your fingers inclined downward at all times, and the arch of your hand in a relatively static position. Contorting your hands for each keystroke will slow you down, and increase your injury risk.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
xmaddockmark 143.17 97.5%
user263163 137.02 96.8%
wolfram 136.44 92.1%
li1cy 132.92 96.4%
slowacidfast 132.01 98.9%
abstractcommodi 129.90 99.3%
sammy123k 129.79 95.4%
vmlm 127.78 98.5%
kaze 126.09 98.9%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
ken_evora0123 82.07 95.4%
ironherald 86.61 95.2%
fe_gonzales40 18.70 90.6%
ammar_trying_to_write 38.64 90.3%
kait999 65.77 89.3%
trishadgk 113.08 95.7%
skoja 43.61 93.1%
xmaddockmark 143.17 97.5%