I/O Pschology - Canan Sümer

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von arecaceae
A branch of psychology that applies the principles of psychology to the workplace (Aamodt, 2013) The application of methods, facts, and principles of the science of human behavior to people at work.(Schultz) It is an applied field that is concerned with development and application of scientific principles to the workplace.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
freedomdazzles 69.66 96.4%
jmedor 54.67 95.9%
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hannahshea23 45.06 95.0%
mxmxovich 61.78 95.9%
theprivateeye 103.16 95.3%
donoshea 63.32 86.6%
jrmquitless 68.82 96.7%