Typing Exercise

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von priscilladay
Thousand, weak talk havoc. Contumacious zoology ancient unobtrusive propaganda; were innumerable exercises strength equalizer? O'clock consequences, spokes bicycle amateur philosophies. Paradoxes, paradoxes encomium exegesis. Hypocrisies pressure, desuetude perennial, Pentateuch philosophies. O'Sullivan, people stygian jejune ossified confirmed. Phlegmatic, orthography, inchoate astringent, occlude pedagogy, asseverate variegated anodyne. Saturnine plethora, echelon vitrine. Volatile Seriatim.

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2.3 out of 5 based on 14 ratings.

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mmjepxvh 9 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
This is an excellent and challenging passage. All it lacks is some more varied punctuation and a liberal helping from the number row and it would be the true acid test of your abilities.
eknivek 10 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
This was very nice!
malevolarky 10 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
Sheesh, that was hard...
malevolarky 10 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Looks challenging... I am looking forward to encountering this one.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
jan_londen 67.02 93.6%
eknivek 65.76 96.2%
gedeon 64.69 94.5%
jay.johnson 61.14 97.6%
needpie 60.39 95.8%
qorange 60.28 98.2%
ctcharlton 59.22 92.4%
malevolarky 58.87 94.8%
bypassfilter 58.73 95.0%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
lbutterfly 23.96 86.9%
kgalla23 41.67 90.6%
cindyazure 45.28 94.0%
ktpooh03 27.10 87.5%
slamy 31.39 96.2%
user265301 25.49 88.7%
mmjepxvh 44.53 92.1%