Meredith Grey

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von savedbymurder
I had this memory game when I was a kid. A bunch of cards, face down, in rows. Each card has a picture. You turn one over, look at it, then turn it back over. Then you have to try and remember where its matching card was. Sometimes you have no idea. And other times it shows us exactly what we need to see. The cards seem completely out of order and random. But you keep turning them over... and the more cards you see, you get a sense how everything fits together.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
rushupedge 133.20 97.9%
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user263163 126.99 95.9%
tsukasa 126.57 96.9%
jpadtyping 126.54 94.9%
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alkos 113.18 97.9%
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user85658 77.11 96.5%