Joel Osteen

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von chellyprice
I declare I will not just survive; I will thrive! I will prosper despite every difficulty that may come my way. I know every setback is a setup for a comeback. I will not get stagnant, give up on my dreams, or settle where I am. I know one touch of God's favor can change everything. I'm ready for a year of blessings and a year of thriving! This is my declaration.

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teilo 10 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
Declare all you want, Joel. Is God your puppet who has to follow your wishes? What if God doesn't want you to thrive? Every think of that? What if it's the devil who want's you to thrive? What did Jesus actually promise His disciples they would have in this world? Do you even know?
chellyprice 10 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
why was the name of the author changed? i know that it is Osteen considering i have his book sitting right here beside me.
malevolarky 10 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
I feel nauseous just thinking of this con-man - his obvious insincerity, his theological illiteracy and the millions of the dollars he has convinced people to give him.

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