Joel Osteen

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von chellyprice
We are responsible for helping and encouraging others, for guiding them further along, but we are not responsible for their choices. If they want to live unhappy, that's their choice. Don't allow them to bring you down with them.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user871724 166.36 94.2%
u557051 157.83 99.6%
wolfram 142.30 93.5%
mongoose135 140.53 98.7%
theoriginalhush 135.90 100%
starl1ng 135.68 100%
lowibu 134.80 99.1%
anna_zhao 133.58 95.0%
astronoray 132.46 98.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user851491 75.08 93.1%
mcgambril 112.07 98.7%
need_4_speed 104.74 92%
user513723 67.49 88.4%
user91712 108.45 97.9%
user830398 94.72 97.0%
designatedmounter 77.48 93.5%
bkbroiler 79.11 86.4%