The Witch of Portobello - Paulo Coelho

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von enoc28
A curse on this place!" said the voice. "A Curse on all those who never listened to the words of Christ and who have transformed his message into a stone building. For Christ said: 'Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' Well, I'm heavy laden, and they won't let me come to him. Today I've learned that the Church has changed those words to read: 'Come unto me all ye who follow our rules, and let the heavy laden go hang!'.

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umvard 13 Jahre vor
Christ doesn't mean rest from work, or responsibilities. Indeed he lays his own yolk upon you, these "rules" that would free you from sin if you would only do as Christ has commanded. The burden is a metaphor for sin, a crushing weight that must be carried. Christ offers forgiveness from than burden and a new burden which is "light."

And a stone building is quite apt, don't you think, considering Christ is its cornerstone?

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