the music lover - Precillano D. Lumaghan, Jr.

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user40305
You are the rhythm, I am the notes, play the Instruments with a chords, I'm an expert to set a tune, common sing with me to have a tone, common let's rock you're not alone.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
npabs 117.38 97.2%
magesh 109.97 97.2%
cheetah 90.21 95.6%
wanna_be_typist 84.54 94.5%
elpatrongarcia 74.81 91.5%
sashabusse 67.00 92.5%
kris10 65.82 99.4%
user514706 59.52 92.0%
ceifero 56.61 95.0%
rupessh77 56.57 92.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
npabs 117.38 97.2%
rubyishere 50.07 97.2%
rupessh77 56.57 92.0%
ceifero 56.61 95.0%
magesh 109.97 97.2%
ladytzyion 42.71 94.0%
elpatrongarcia 74.81 91.5%
mockingbird561 29.37 92.5%