things - Molly

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von mo.adams
At some point everybody dies. It's just a living known fact that I will die, you will die. We all die at some point. For all you know you could be sitting next to a person that wants to kill themselves so just smile it could really make somebody's day.

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diaraacamara 10 Jahre, 4 Monate vor

My warmest greetings to you it is my pleasure writing youas i wish that this letter reach you in good health,I hope you are well sounded in good health over there in your country,my name is miss Diaraa camara I am 24 years old female single,am from Somalia, I am a tender heart humble and respectful wish to be a friend to you even if you are married or not. I will like to know more about you. I hope to send you my photo of me.i will like to get acquainted with You if you don't mind, i have something very important to share with You about my life, i hope to communicate with you on my email soon.I'm sorry if i am embarrassing you,i shall tell you more about me
yours Diaraa

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ilovejujubee 139.11 97.3%
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liatan 125.87 100%
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gwaldrop 111.25 96.2%