My thought on the typing situation. - Alex Evans

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von electrofresh
When I first decided that I was going to learn to type I was very discouraged. I was like, "I am never going to get anything done!." I always seemed to just revert back to my six finger method that really didn't seem too bad. I did know however know, that in the back of my mind, there was a more productive me out there. I just needed to go get it. So, similarly to the time I committed to playing the guitar, I stuck to it and finally with the help of this typing test ... I have arrived!

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
strikeemblem 114.97 93.0%
user108245 113.59 97.0%
topskies 110.10 97.2%
npabs 109.96 96.5%
geryjs 103.35 94.2%
user80864 95.61 97.6%
aabbsss 94.94 97.2%
clonedcow 92.77 96.3%
user843630 90.76 96.1%
kicko 90.48 94.8%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user105268 52.66 92.8%
npabs 109.96 96.5%
user82395 61.63 91.0%
falsesu 75.12 98.0%
user85658 81.11 97.4%
user843630 90.76 96.1%
swolchuck 69.40 96.5%
abelard 56.04 96.1%