Life - Anonymous

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von tree-hugger631
The important thing is not how long you live. It's what you accomplish with your life. While I live, I want to shine. I want to prove that I exist. If I could do something really important, that would definitely carry on to into the future. And so, if I were to disappear, I think that all I have accomplished will go on. That is, that would mean it's living, right?

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dvorakdan 7 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
So the billions of people of who existed and have been forgotten, they never "lived"? Don't be ridiculous. You can live just fine without achieving the kind of fame or infamy that lasts for centuries. (Infamy, you know, did Jack the Ripper live? Or Benedict Arnold? All of our modern day assassins or bombers... did they live because one day they did something horrific?) Also, the sentence If I could... is not a sentence. Clearly this quote is not reaching your goal.

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