Tim Foreman

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von beautifulletdown
Every day you're alive, you can change the world. It could be for the worse. It can be big waves or small waves. The very fact that you're alive and breathing and walking outside, going to class, whatever it is, you're changing the world with each footstep. There's a lot of weight to that.

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bvw 5 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
Lose weight to leave less of a footprint on the world. Do I have that right?

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 172.10 98.6%
lytewerk 144.70 99.3%
user66168 144.33 92.6%
knobtwiddler 141.79 99.7%
brainfreezy 140.18 99.0%
jpadtyping 137.52 98.0%
pogface 136.86 100%
starl1ng 135.48 99.7%
ze_or 133.76 99.0%
djsharpe113 132.56 95.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
donoshea 103.98 94.8%
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user108043 119.67 98.3%
user99861 44.59 89.0%
pumpkinslayer 58.62 95.7%
user102525 76.09 92.9%
memory_allocation 93.88 93.5%