user958697 Jixin Wei

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Trend over 10214 games.
Rang 17733 / 334746
Anzahl der Spiele 10214
Bestes Spiel 105.02
Aktuelle Geschwindigkeit
Durchschnitt der letzten Spiele
Alte Geschwindigkeit
Durchschnitt der ersten Spiele
Gesamte Geschwindigkeit 75.16
Aktuelle Genauigkeit
Durchschnitt der letzten Spiele
Alte Genauigkeit
Durchschnitt der ersten Spiele
Die Geschwindigkeit wird ausgedrückt in WPM (Wörter pro Minute).
Die Genauigkeit gibt an, wie genau Sie bei dem Schreibtest sind. 100% bedeutet 0 Fehler.


kyledes 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
That is correct. That is me. This is also me. We are the same person. And everything is completely normal.
user958697 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
New address:

Look forward to seeing you there, mon ami (my friends).

Come! Visit. 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
Hey If you want some advice you can try reading what I've written in the messages in my profile.
But other than that in terms of the keyboard itself, I think it's definitely better to go with what you're comfortable with, but for me I type on like a really simple surface keyboard and I don't prefer the mechanical keyboards in terms of speed. After you follow what I've written in around 3 to 4 months you should increase your speed to at least 120 wpm. Also I would suggest you to not practice on instant death but definitely pay attention to accuracy on normal quotes. Tell me how you go and good luck :)
user958697 3 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
I became "tired" after typing only a few quotes. Then, I carefully examined: exactly which part of me is "tired"? And I found that it is not the eyes (the receiving device), nor the fingers (the transmitting device) but the brain (the processing device). It's all in the head. Not enough blood is pumping into the head. They say that in order to achieve anything, you must first "imagine (visualize)" it in your head vividly how the "achieved state" is like. Well, that principle is not only applicable to "hopes and dreams" on the scale of a lifetime, but also on a word-by-word basis. At the "tired" state, my head is no longer clearly imagining how a word is typed, but it has delegated the task entirely to the eyes and fingers, which seek to resort to "luck" and attempt to accomplish the task (the typing of a word) through tries and errors. So once again, in short, "it's all in the head".
kiriiya 3 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Accuracy comes before speed. Play on instant death.
venerated 3 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
yeah i got off on tangents like that too. happens to all of us. but if you seriously want to improve try to get in touch twit the typing community discord. there are multiple pdfs available there which are written by some of the best typists in the world. i'd suggest the 10ff discord server
user958697 3 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
OK, I don't know, I'm making up a story. Maybe I should not have said that. I hope it would not be true just because I said so... I watched an episode of a horror TV show last night. Usually, I'm not afraid of horror TVs and movies. But that one was kinda a little really scary.
user958697 3 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Thank you for your advice, #venerated. I started SEVEN(7) years ago, 50WPM at that time. I completed more than seven thousand (7,000) tests at keyboard-racing dot com and more than eight thousand (8,000) tests here. As of now, I can hardly get to 90WPM, which is pretty... sad. Only recently, did I have a good guess why. It is because in my head there are too many chatters, noises, little voices, haha. I have "unfinished business" elsewhere, out there somewhere... in other worlds... where there are ghosts that are constantly calling to me "where have you gone... come here... come back... take me..." Yes, I think so... something like that... that is the reason.
venerated 3 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
its genuinely puzzling how you haven't improved after thousands of tests on here. where did you start? what wpm?
i think the thing that would help you the most right now is to actually focus entirely on raw speed improvements and completely forsake accuracy. might want to start from somewhere like 10ff or monkeytype and just try to get your burst speeds as high as you can (do that by just typing as fast as you can. there's this nice feature on monkeytype where you can actually select how many words you want to type. do a lot of 10 word tests and such)
i think that should help.
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Aktuelle Schreibtests

Root - POI 75.88 96.1% 2 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
Life Skills 100.54 100% 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
Genshin Impact 87.20 97.6% 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
Aldrin de la Paz 93.83 100% 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
Chuck Norris 75.36 95.6% 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
Dream & PmBata 79.01 97.0% 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
Steven Brust 85.74 97.5% 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
Richard Siken 93.39 97.0% 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
Michael Scott 89.03 96.9% 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
Matt Goss 82.30 97.2% 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
We've been hunting down demons in the jungle for months, but no matter how many of them we kill, they just keep coming. -- Asheara, Diablo II Act 4.
Letzte Anmeldung 2 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
Anmeldedatum 5 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
Tastatur / Laptop N/A
Tastaturzuordnung QWERTY
Computerbenutzung Too many Stunden / Tag
Zitate 4



