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Someone you will never meet
I'm just procrastinating on my essay that is due in 2 days qwq

uhhh what

J.K. Rowling
TabCrack is a website offering all premium software for free, without requiring any payment. Users …

Dude as I was typing this quote I was changing my posture and carpal tunnel …

Made Up On The Spot
Riddled with errors.


catrice's Zitate

Alle Zitate

Paul R. Cavendish
There's something beautiful about purchasing mass produced art. Millions of other people have the same piece hanging in their homes. Millions of people share the experience of choosing to brighten their lives with the same piece, connecting themselves to millions of others.

James Greiy
If you believe that the destruction of humanity would be a good thing because humanity is evil, and an example of what you would consider evil is of humans doing harm to other humans, is that not a contradiction? If the destruction of humanity is good because humans are evil, this "evil" is also not evil, because it is being done to the same human beings you would destroy for being evil.

Charles Brettinger
The worst thing about people who say "I could care less" when they mean "I couldn't care less" is that they stole the phrase from those of us who could care less. I could care less. That means my caring level is above zero, but it does not convey any more information.

There are two types of people who say hatred comes easily: people who are hateful, and people who do not know of true hatred. The truth is that hatred must be cultivated carefully, or else it will be impure.

Some people who have always lived in a restrictive society have nonetheless experienced what they consider freedom. In reality, what they were experiencing was a happy coincidence in which there was no overlap between things forbidden by the law and things they wanted to do. As soon as the law forbade something they wanted to do, they considered that a loss of freedom.

Sam Frischmau
I get all the vaccines, and I would like extra doses of those vaccines, please. I believe Big Pharma is lying about vaccine side effects and that if you get enough of them, it makes your body overall healthier and stronger in ways unrelated to the vaccine's main purpose.

Noah Josephs
I am no conspiracy theorist, but I do believe that the shampoo companies add sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate for the purpose of damaging and drying the hair and thereby selling more conditioner.

Bernard Fulton
The ends don't justify the means, but the means don't justify the ends either. You are no less responsible for the results of your choices when you choose inaction over action.

Now that some time has passed since Yahoo Answers was shut down, it is confirmed. The world is now full of people who do not know how a baby is formed and have no way of finding out.

Lexa Brenton
We cannot call ourselves victorious in our war for dominance over the kingdom Plantae. However, we have won our battles with several species. We eat rhubarb despite its best effort to be poisonous and hot peppers despite their efforts to scare us with their phantom fire.

Sam Frischmau
I don't know how to explain to my houseguests who see my guitar collection that I am not, in fact, a guitarist; I am merely a proud guitar owner. That is all.

Denmark Pascua
The Olympics is boring because the athletes are too good. It all comes down to comparing the athletes' microscopic deviances from perfection. It would be more interesting to see average people compete.

Jesse Lambert
We need to fight both bigotry and the power that bigots can wield. It is terrible that there are people who dislike others, look down on them, or treat them badly for their race, ethnicity, sex, gender, orientation, or national origin. It is additionally terrible that there are people who have enough power over others that they have the ability to make someone's life a living hell because they don't respect people who are not like them.

Jesse Lambert - On Police Brutality
For argument's sake, let's pretend we are all amoral people who care only about ourselves. Do you want to live in a community in which the police are allowed to brutalize people? Even if you are not in their most targeted group, as long as they are allowed to target people, it could be you.

Hank Green
Pet Peeve: Attributing something a character said to the author. I would never say half of that stuff April said. She is a danger to herself and others, that's the whole point.

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. I would rather live in a world where we try to treat people like Mr. Rogers did than one where we all race to the bottom. Both kindness and evil can grow exponentially. Being nice to someone else costs me nothing, and at least I try to make the world a better place.

Charles Brettinger
Life would be no less valuable if it were longer. It would be worth no less if it were perfect. And it would be better if there were no suffering. Those are hard truths, but they are nonetheless true.

Charles Brettinger
Plans are worthless, but planning is priceless. This is true in childbirth, in battle, and in everyday life. You should be aware that the plan will be thrown away immediately, but what you have gained from creating the plan will stay with you.

Only immigrants get to be proud of belonging to their countries. They're the ones who actually get to take credit for being there. If you were born in a country you love, thank your parents.

If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, the road to heaven is probably paved with bad ones. After all, good and evil are said to balance each other out.