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Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)

Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …

Curtis Baldwin
heh heh


allanw5's Zitate

Alle Zitate

Anne Reid & team of Tom Clancy's The Division - Origins of the Last Man Battalion
Our org may be made up of military guys, but we didn't start out as a militia. We started out as a business, filling a niche. Doing the dirty jobs the government didn't have the guts to do. Let's not forget our roots. Let's remember the other part of what we do well, make money.

Chris Hansen - from Dateline Dangerous Web- To Catch A Predator
This is a house on an average street in an average town. It could be your town, but there is something very different about this place. A major crime against a child is possibly being committed here. A crime that happens more often than you'd ever imagine. This grown man is here after making a date for sex with a 14 year old girl he met only hours earlier on the internet. Tonight, a Dateline hidden camera investigation exposes a very real threat to your children: online sexual predators.

from 'World of Final Fantasy' - The Azure Prophecy
When time begins its march anew, they shall return as visitors:
Giants from the hills of a world not our own. Upon Grymoire, they will wreak two divergent futures: one that brings salvation; and the other, ruin. An enigma to confound even the highest mind.

Watch Dogs E3 2013 Story Trailer, Ubisoft
In the summer of 2003, the lights went out for 55 million Americans across the northeast. Panic spread throughout New York State injuring hundreds. 11 people died in the dark. What was to blame? A small vulnerability inside the state's transmission control room. Raymond Kenney, a disgruntled employee, unleashed a virus and walked away. Four hours later the system overloaded and the grid shut down.

Mary DeMarle & Deus Ex Team at Eidos Montreal - Memorial Plaque in Lobby of Sarif Industries after Tyrants Attack
They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old; age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. In our hearts and in our minds, their devotion to science will always be remembered. To us, they have found immortality.

from Final Fantasy team of Square Enix Holdings - Monologue In E3 2015 Announcement Trailer of The Final Fantasy VII Remake
But after the long calm, there are now the beginnings of a stir. The reunion at hand may bring joy, it may bring fear, but let us embrace whatever it brings. For they are coming back. At last, the promise has been made.

Mary DeMarle & Writers of Deus Ex Human Revolution - Frank Pritchard telling Adam Jensen about his workplace behavior
Oh and by the way Jensen, I know you've gone thorugh a lot of physical changes of late, but you didn't become a woman. Stay out of the ladies restroom.

from DOTA 2 - Dragonus The Skywrath Mage, Predicts Victory
From the Ghastly Eyrie, I can see to the ends of the world, and from this vantage point, I declare, with utter certainty, that this one is in the bag.

from Deus Ex Human Revolution, Eidos Montreal - Picus TV News Brief read by Eliza
And in Washington tonight, crowds continue to gather in front of the capital. Most are demanding that congress severely restrict efforts to alter the human body's abilities. This in response to the claims made by the biotechnology expert David Sarif that his firm may have discovered a way to make human controlled evolution available to all.

Peter Joseph - Conclusion to Zeitgeist, an Activist Revelation Documentary
Divide and conquer is the motto. And as long as people continue to see themselves as separate from everything else, they lend themselves to be completely enslaved. The men behind the curtain know this and they also know that if people ever realized the truth of their relationship to nature and the truth of their personal power, the entire manufactured zeitgeist they prey upon would collapse like a house of cards.

Allan McNish from Truth in 24 - Talking about all the Le Mans races he didn't win
I personally do not believe in luck. I think luck is an excuse for people that have failed in their mission to do something. If you do your preparation correctly, if you do the work, if you think about things, if you make the correct judgments on the risks that you take and if you stay out of the pits, then you win the race. And that is not luck, that's hard work.

Valve - Portal 2 from Aperture Laboratories - Perpetual Testing Initiative Introduction
Every time I look at our test chamber production line, I'm reminded of my father. Now he wasn't a scientist, just a simple farmer. A professor of farming at the local farm college. Never farmed a day in his life. But his theories on farming are the backbone of this company. Do it from scratch. Spare no expense. And never cut corners. Well that's a corner cutting machine we obviously cut them there.

Jason Statham, Narrator - Intro, Truth in 24
Paul Newman raced here, and finished second. Steve McQueen made a movie about it. But the Twenty Four Hours Of Le Mans is not easy to capture because its like nothing else.

Jerry Springer
Television does not and must not create values. It's merely a picture of all that's out there. The good, the bad, the ugly. A world upon which we then apply our own values, learned and nurtured, through family, church and experience.

Andrew Daly Production - ComedyCentral's Review Episode 2
Her name was Katrina Series 3, a 4000 dollar state of the art synthetic sex doll. She was made of latex rubber built around a highly posable skeleton and she featured, what I as assured, was a very lifelike five speed vibrating vagina. If Katrina had any qualms about appearing in a sex tape with me, she kept it to herself.

Andrew Daly Production - Quote from Pilot of REVIEW on CC
When you go to a prom you wear a costume and pretend to be all grown up. But it was clear to me that deep down, none of us were ready for the adult world at all.

Andrew Daly Production - Quote from Pilot of REVIEW on CC
Perhaps I had also gone to 'decoy rehab' because I was not able to withstand the pressures of this prom. I'm not proud that I stole Todd Schusters wallet and I'm not proud that I spent his wrestling coach money on cocaine.

Online saying
How do I explain gay people to my kids? Well, if you can lie to them about an immortal dude in a red suit who lives at the North Pole and travels through the sky by being pulled by magical flying deer, then it should be easy enough to tell them the truth about two people in love.

From Blizzard Entertainment Starcraft I - Intro Rebel Yell Terran Text
In the decade since the end of the Guild Wars, the oppressive Terran Confederacy has stood unchallenged in its supremacy over colonized space. All of that changed four days ago when a large alien fleet emerged from warpspace and laid waste to the unsuspecting Confederate colony of Chau Sara. The Confederacy, fearing that the alien fleet's next target will be the colony of Mar Sara, has sent you to intervene.

from SMASH , NBC Episode 1 season 2 - Frank Houston Monologue to Julia
You know what? Mary, the woman from school. I didn't sleep with her. I wanted to. Maybe, maybe I should to even the score. Would that make it ok or should I just sleep with someone in the cast? Keep it in the family? After all, you did, and Tom did, and Derek did, with every actress who put on a Marilyn wig. Why the hell can't I?