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Serhii Cho
my music is on almost every second of the day lol

Billie Eilish
I wrote the same thing twice: this quote. It turns out, I had the same …

least deranged keyhero user

It's about trying in order to succeed, and not just for perfunctorily.

Alan Menken
Easy peasy, just have a mansion and servants!


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Murph Cooper - Murph's Message - Interstellar
Hey Dad. You sonofabitch. Never made one of these while you were still responding because I was so mad at you for leaving. And when you went quiet, it seemed like I should live with that decision, and I have. But today's my birthday. And it's a special one, because you told me... you once told me that by the time you came back we might be the same age. And today I'm the same age you were when you left... So it'd be a real good time for you to come back.

Bojack Horseman - Downer Ending
And I don't... actually even care what the world thinks about me anymore. I just hated reading that book because I hated feeling like that's how you saw me. Because I guess you know me better than anybody, if you think that. Um, I-I guess my question is do you... do you think it's too late for me?

Joseph Heller - Catch - 22, Major Major Major Major
On Major Major himself the consequences were only slightly less severe. It was a harsh and stunning realization that was forced upon him at so tender an age, the realization that he was not, as he had always been led to believe, Caleb Major, but instead was some total stranger named Major Major Major about whom he knew absolutely nothing about and about whom nobody else had ever heard before.