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Serita McKenzie
it was good

Suzanne Collins
thank you

I appreciate the honesty :)

Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …

Curtis Baldwin
heh heh


darlove's Zitate

Alle Zitate

Darek - Who a deep person is...
Do you know what makes a person "deep"? Is this not a rather vague statement to say "This is a deep soul."? Is it not that those who seem to be "deep" to some don't seem to be that to others? Why are we fascinated by some people and think nothing of others? Being "deep" is something that we acquire during our lives or is it something we are born with? Are "deep" people always optimists? Or can they also be pessimists? What's the real meaning of "deep" in this context? Define, please.

Darek - An interview with Nothingnesss
As this is to be an interview with Nothingness I'm going to let Nothingness speak for itself. Nothingness, WHY are you? ... And how do you feel about it? ... Well, that's interesting. Would you please expand on this a little bit more? ... ... Thanks. That's very informative. I've never thought about it before from this perspective. And what is going to be your next conquest? ... I understand. Awesome. It's been nice talking to you, Nothingness. Looking forward to more. Thank you.

Darek - The meaning of life
What's the meaning of life... Who has not posed this question to themselves at some point in their lives? Are there any? If you happen to think, then chances are you have. Not once. Not even twice. And, sadly, despite so many of us having, there has never been a satisfactory answer given. There are some half-answers, quasi-answers, answers that pretend to be true. But this question will be haunting all of us until the last day of our lives.

Darek - Why are we still the same?
We've been through a lot. We, that is, humanity. We've tamed the elements. We've made our lives more comfortable with our Science and Technology. We've made so many improvements to our non-material needs as well. We've developed full branches of new subjects like psychology, neuroscience, NLP... We've managed to get rid of some nasty ideas, like fascism and communism. Well, at least the majority of us know what to think about them. Yet, somehow... I feel our advances are not that great.

Darek - Date a woman
What's the way to inspire an interest in a woman? Is the outcome of our endeavors in this respect something that's already been determined long time before we even started doing it or thought about it? This aspect of human life is very mysterious, indeed. Dating a woman can be a very stressful experience (many a man can tell you that, I bet). I wonder... Is there a way, a fool-proof way, to make a woman interested in one? What do you say, girl?

Darek - Being curious...
Being curious is one of the characteristics that differentiate mankind from the rest of the living world. Our minds have this strange feature of wanting to understand how things work and where things come from. This curiosity is the fuel that's been propelling our lives since we got down from the trees to become the most stupid and the most intelligent species on Earth. Curiously, all at the same time.

Darek - How to improve the Inside...
When you want to learn how to improve yourself, how to overcome your deficiencies and fears, how to make the most of your life and how to appreciate what other people do and are... you have to start looking deeper into your mind. You have to learn how to meditate and calm your mind down. There are many paths to self-improvement. One of them is NLP--neurolinguistic programming.

Darlove - What is mathematics
Maths, contrary to common belief, is not all about numbers, adding them, subtracting, dividing and multiplying. Far from it, even though these are the basics taught very early in your school years. Maths, when you come to know it later on, is all about the way you think of almost everything. It's the ultimate, cold and undeniable precision in drawing conclusions.

Darlove - On the nature of things
So, what is Nature's way of telling you that the way you've taken is not the one that will lead you where you wanna go? It's Failure. That might be counter-intuitive but it's a fact, so obvious that we ignore it up to the point that we've forgotten its true meaning. There is no other way for Nature to let you know that you should stop, re-think, take a different path and move on. Next time you find yourself falling or failing, think that this actually brings you closer to your destination.