Aktuelle Kommentare

this makes me feel like i'm having a stroke

Serena Federer
That is not true

Kurt Vonnegut
That's kind of tragic, I feel bad for yeast now :(

"Someone's Poetry"
nice !

Stephanie Meyer
this is the skin of a killer bella


darnecia's Zitate

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Unknown - I wonder...
When it's winter, we can't wait for it to be warmer outside. Once summer gets here we complain of it being too hot. When you have the money to spend you can't find anything you want to buy. Once you're down to your last dollar you find all the things you could need and want. When we do something wrong we want to be forgiven but when the wrong is done to us we can't fathom the idea of forgiveness. So much imbalance I've grown to wonder will there ever be a happy medium?

Unknown - Motherhood
The day you were born became the happiest day of my life. I finally knew what love at first sight was. They present it in books, as if it were some cheesy and affectionate experience between two people with interest. But this love at first sight I speak of is different not just because it's between mother and child but at that very moment I was ready to fight a whole army to save the life I just gave, welcome to the epitome of motherhood.