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And guess what happened to me while typing this quote? :c

Efficient Linux at the Command Line by Daniel J. Barrett
Not gonna lie, no matter how fast you type, there's always going to be a …

I bet you get praised for your intelligence very often.

A good sign that you should stop adding quotes to this site. That and your …

Whenever I visit this site, I can be sure to come across regurgitated platitudes.


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ariana granda - animals
poop is good to eat and toot yon nnnooo pim what was I supposed to do I don't know you could have been followed him an Instagram threatened to break up with him his breath even the slightest shred of disapprove said you have nothing to lose maybe but at least I still have my soul George come on what just because you found a new friend what is that really what you think of me I don't know what to do but I do know that as soon as she's going to go right people are constantly expecting things out o.