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Someone you will never meet
I'm just procrastinating on my essay that is due in 2 days qwq

uhhh what

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Dude as I was typing this quote I was changing my posture and carpal tunnel …

Made Up On The Spot
Riddled with errors.


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Adrian Cronauer (portrayed by Robin Williams) - Good Morning Vietnam
And now, here are the headlines. Here they come at you right now. Pope actually found to be Jewish. Liberace is Anastasia, and Ethel Merman jams Russian radar. The East Germans, today, claimed that the Berlin Wall was a fraternity prank. Also the Pope decided today to release Vatican-related bath products. An incredible thing, yes, it's the new Pope-on-a-Rope. That's right. Pope-on-a-Rope. Wash with it, go straight to heaven.

Jane Goodall
The tree I had in the garden as a child, my beech tree, I used to climb up there and spend hours. I took my homework up there, my books, I went up there if I was sad, and it just felt very good to be up there among the green leaves and the birds and the sky.

The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world, is to be in reality what we would appear to be; and if we observe, we shall find, that all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by the practice of them.

John Lennon
All music is rehash. There are only a few notes. Just variations on a theme. Try to tell the kids in the Seventies who were screaming to the Bee Gees that their music was just The Beatles redone. There is nothing wrong with the Bee Gees.

John Forbes Nash, Jr.
It is better to have been, than not to have been, than to have been nothing at all. What truly is logic? Who decides reason? It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reason can be found.

Ptolemy - Almagest (c. 150 CE)
I know that I am mortal by nature, and ephemeral; but when I trace at my pleasure the windings to and fro of the heavenly bodies I no longer touch the earth with my feet: I stand in the presence of Zeus himself and take my fill of ambrosia.

Stephen Langton - Magna Carta (1215)
No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land.

Tennessee Williams - Blanche DuBois (A Streetcar Named Desire)
I shall die of eating an unwashed grape. One day out on the ocean I will die, with my hand in the hand of some nice looking ship's doctor, a very young one with a small blonde moustache and a big silver watch. "Poor lady," they'll say, "The quinine did her no good. That unwashed grape has transported her soul to heaven."

Carl Friedrich Gauss
It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but the act of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment. When I have clarified and exhausted a subject, then I turn away from it, in order to go into darkness again; the never-satisfied man is so strange if he has completed a structure, then it is not in order to dwell in it peacefully, but in order to begin another.

Thomas More - Utopia (1516)
Kindness and good nature unite men more effectually and with greater strength than any agreements whatsoever, since thereby the engagements of men's hearts become stronger than the bond and obligation of words.

E.O. Wilson
Humanity is a biological species, living in a biological environment, because like all species, we are exquisitely adapted in everything: from our behavior, to our genetics, to our physiology, to that particular environment in which we live. The earth is our home. Unless we preserve the rest of life, as a sacred duty, we will be endangering ourselves by destroying the home in which we evolved, and on which we completely depend.

Linus Pauling
It is sometimes said that science has nothing to do with morality. This is wrong. Science is the search for truth, the effort to understand the world; it involves the rejection of bias, of dogma, of revelation, but not the rejection of morality.

Rene Descartes - The Discourse on the Method (1637)
Common sense is the most fairly distributed thing in the world, for each one thinks he is so well-endowed with it that even those who are hardest to satisfy in all other matters are not in the habit of desiring more of it than they already have.

Benjamin Franklin - On Freedom of Speech and the Press (1737)
Freedom of speech is a principle pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins. Republics and limited monarchies derive their strength and vigor from a popular examination into the action of the magistrates.

Sylvia Earle - The World is Blue
Even if you never have the chance to see or touch the ocean, the ocean touches you with every breath you take, every drop of water you drink, every bite you consume. Everyone, everywhere is inextricably connected to and utterly dependent upon the existence of the sea.

Edward Lear - There was an Old Man on the Border
There was an old man on the border, Who lived in the utmost disorder; he danced with the cat, and made tea in his hat, which vexed all the folks on the border.

Sitting Bull
Inside of me there are two dogs. One is mean and evil and the other is good and they fight each other all the time. When asked which one wins I answer, the one I feed the most.

Carl Sagan - Cosmos
The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.

Jackson Pollock - My Painting
My painting does not come from the easel. I prefer to tack the unstretched canvas to the hard wall or the floor. I need the resistance of a hard surface. On the floor I am more at ease. I feel nearer, more part of the painting, since this way I can walk around it, work from the four sides and literally be in the painting.

Jim Gaffigan - Food: A Love Story (2014)
It would be embarrassing trying to explain what an appetizer is to someone from a starving country. "Yeah, the appetizer; that's the food we eat before we have our food. No, no, you're thinking of dessert; that's food we have after we have our food. We eat tons of food. Sometimes there's so much we just stick it in a bag and bring it home. Then we throw it out the next day. Maybe give it to the dog."