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You don't need to know my name. - Getting older
Getting older is really just a lot more responsibility and schoolwork. I also have outside tutoring and all the homework and unfinished assignments, or schoolwork makes it harder to finish everything in time. So that's why you need a schedule. I'll try to finish all my homework from school on Monday after I go to tutoring. And the rest of the time. I finish my other homework. Just like that. I guess?

Whatever my name is... cuz I'm not telling. - You want to change the world?
You want to change the world? Pathetic! That is the funniest joke I've ever heard my whole entire life. Why don't you try changing yourself first before you even think about changing the world. It's not entirely your fault that you are like this. It's mostly because of your environment. Let's just say you see someone steal and didn't get caught, they get an advantage. So, you will also steal because you will think that it will be an advantage for you as well. Guess what? You just sinned.

Bao Trang N. - Bad Day?
Have you ever had a bad day before? Well, I did. Most of the times. No, it's not because of school, it's not because of anything, but more like anyone. People can get in your way so easily that they can ruin your day in a second! And not just friends can do it; your family, strangers, teachers, anyone could get in your way! But don't let that stop you! You know yourself, just keep going on with your day and be happy, pretend that nothing happened.

Bao Trang N. (Credits to Sunstar T. for.... something) - Person
Person, people, someone, everyone, no one, nobody, somebody, everybody, I don't know what to say anymore. Anyways, credits to Sunstar for giving me inspiration. I don't know why I made this.

Bao Trang.N - Why you don't wanna be smart
Smart people are forced to be smart. Genius are forced to be smarter. Now I'm going to tell you why not to be smart like me. Yes, well, being smart is a good thing. But you won't wanna be smart if you try. Why? Well, you'll get very very very very very very very many tutoring lessons. And yeah. You won't wanna know how many tutoring I have. Plus, my mother assigned me very very very very very very very very very very very many homework as well. She said those tutoring homework isn't enough.

Bao Trang N. - Mistakes
If you made a mistake once, you come out, not a scratch on the face. It's fine if you make a mistake once or twice. There's nothing wrong with that. But if you make that mistake more than 3 times, like 4 times even, that is not fine. You'll get a warning. And if you do it again and again, that just means you're doing it on purpose. And well you know, you'll get another warning. And if you do it again, I don't think then you'll come out without a scratch on your face. So just be-careful.

Bao Trang N. - Homework and exams
As you can see, homework is very, very, very, very, boring. Exams are even more boring. But imagine a world without homework and exams. Students would just come to class, forgetting all the work from yesterday, or even a few minutes ago! And exams, it wouldn't be fair if you just simply go to a good school and go for good classes if you are the un-intelligent person. So I guess, homework and exams does have a reason.

Bao Trang N. - 'The Ugliest Woman'?
Well, I was just scrolling down in Youtube, as usual of course but let's not talk about that and I came across this video that is called 'The Ugliest Woman'. The ugliest woman? That woman was beautiful. She was magnificent. And even if she looks bad, it doesn't matter. Like I always said looks doesn't matter, only the inside. What I meant is, for example: You are the most magnificent girl in history, but if you aren't nice, you don't matter. So basically, have a kind heart. That's a tip.

Bao Trang N. - Hateness
I don't know why people just hate someone when the person that they hate did nothing to them. Like, I will understand if they did something bad to them. But... LITERALLY! They are just like Lila from MLB! LIla just hate Marinette for no reason. I know she is jealous of Marinette, but she doesn't have to 'hate' her! If you are the person who hates someone for no reason... you better stop!

Bao Trang N. - Every song has a meaning...
Every single song has a meaning. You might not understand what the meaning of the story is or where or how they get that content from but you know that all songs have a meaning. So wherever you are or whatever song you're listening to, you will know that they made that song for a reason and that it actually has a meaning...

Bao Trang N. - Everyone is a genius in their way...
Everybody is a genius in their own way. What I mean by genius is not always about studies. It could be sport, it could be designing. Even though someone is not smart, they're still a genius somehow in their heart. So if you think that genius is only about studying, you are wrong. Geniuses are not always smart, they are a genius inside their creativity side in their brain.

Bao Trang N. - Technoblade (Alex)
I just figured out that Technoblade means something. So I think this happens to help you in any way possible. So here's my theory about why Technoblade happens to be Technoblade. First the 'Techno' in Technoblade means technology and it means that he is very modern in now days and that he is not old like people who are born before the 1990s. And 'Blade' happens to mean that he is very strong, independent and sharp. Just like a blade of a knife. That's just my theory though. So I'm not so sure.

Bao Trang N. - Being better at something, at someone
So you know at school? Everyone is like just cheering on you and saying that you did great even though you know that you could do better. That's what happens to everyone, almost. That happens to me. I've been saying that I suck and I could do it better, but everyone else... they thought I did my best. I know that I didn't do my best and I know that I could always do better. It just what happened to everyone. In your perspective, you see they did their best, but they know they didn't.

Bao Trang N. - So much to wonder
Well, I've always been wondering, what I've been wondering before... And I found out that I have always been wondering, what I have been wondering a long time ago. I always wonder the same thing. Always have so much to wonder. Always keep it in my mind. Never forget. But never find the answer to any of them. I've always been wondering what couldn't be answered. I've always been wondering what others don't know. What only some of them knows. I don't know how to answer all of them...

Bao Trang N. - When you get to know me
You might think I am responsible, mature, whatever it is at first, but when you get to know me, oh you are not gonna believe it. Oh you might think whatever I am, but if I get to know you and you get to know me like in friends or friends AND enemies, you're going to see my crazy side. Well, what I mean crazy is not killing people or doing any stuff like that. Well you can ask one of my friends about it. I always joke around and kind of like... laugh. I don't know why though. So yeah.

Bao Trang N. - Why you shouldn't lose a pen
Don't ever lose a pen, here's why: No pen = no notes, no notes = no study, no study = no graduation, no graduation = no money, no money = no food, no food = your tummy hurts, your tummy hurts = you're sick, you're sick but you don't have money = you die. So don't lose a pen. (This is just for a joke, don't take it seriously. You can buy another pen if you lose one. I lose like a thousand pens already).

Bao Trang N. - Little typing tip
I know what you're feeling right now. Frustrated, stressed, anxious, etc. I know every single feeling you have when you're doing this. I know you just want a peaceful typing test without making mistakes. But I know that you know that this is not possible. At least, for you and me. And being frustrated negatively affects my typing speed. So this is a tip for you. When you're in this situation, take a breath, walk outside, drink water, take a shower, or all the things that calm you down.

Bao Trang N. - don't judge a book by its cover
You shouldn't judge a book like its cover. It's just like you shouldn't judge people by their looks. Most of the people knows this but they still do this. This is not good! There are reasons why you shouldn't do it. Reason 1: What if the person you're judging is someone very important? Reason 2: You'll hurt their feelings. Reason 3: You'll be very impolite and that is NOT fine! There are very many other reasons why you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but I can't think of anymore of those.

Bao Trang N. - Crying doesn't help
Well, this story happens a long time ago when I was with my mother in the nail shop. Well, this girl and her mother walked in as well. The mother said to just keep her nails simple. But the girl said that she wants it fussy. Although she knows that her mother is persistent, she still keeps trying to say that she wants it fussy. Then she cried. Well, that doesn't stop her mother from making it simple. So crying doesn't help to do anything. So you better not cry.

Bao Trang N. - Pretty in the inside
So, you might not be pretty on the outside but you have to be pretty in the inside! What I mean by pretty in the inside is that you have to be kind-hearted. I mean you don't have to be pretty in the inside but you'll make wrong decisions. And you might hurt someone's feelings. And I'm pretty sure that you don't want to get someone hurt right? You'll will at least get caught once or twice as well.