Aktuelle Kommentare

this makes me feel like i'm having a stroke

Serena Federer
That is not true

Kurt Vonnegut
That's kind of tragic, I feel bad for yeast now :(

"Someone's Poetry"
nice !

Stephanie Meyer
this is the skin of a killer bella


user00021's Zitate

Alle Zitate

I love CHINA - America
CHINA china China cHina chIna chiNa chinA ChInA cHiNa chiNA ChiNa CHINa chINA CHIna. I LOVE CHINA, I LOVE CHINA. CHina China China China China Chian, ooops.

Miso soup - Easiest one there is
This will be the easiest typing test you have ever done before. Now all I need to do is fill this up so there are 150 words. Well it may not be the easiest but it will be one.