Aktuelle Kommentare

Serena Federer
What does this even mean????

Keyhero User
So, do you want to wear shoes years later?

Alan Watts
never stop learning

this makes me feel like i'm having a stroke

Serena Federer
That is not true


user110493's Zitate

Alle Zitate

Jean-Jacques Rousseau - I love idleness.
I love idleness. I love to busy myself about trifles, to begin a hundred things and not finish one of them, to come and go as my fancy bids me, to change my plan every moment, to follow a fly in all its circlings, to try and uproot a rock to see what is underneath, eagerly begin on a ten years' task and to give it up after ten minutes: in short to fritter away the whole day inconsequentially and incoherently, and to follow nothing but the whim of the moment.