Nylige kommentarer


furry 14 timer, 55 minutter siden
That sounds so fun! I haven't found my passion yet, but maybe I'll be able to find it soon. Enjoy the sunshine outside!


furry 15 timer, 6 minutter siden
I'm learning a Colemak! (a different keyboard layout) I usually hop on here or monkeytype to type some quotes, since I believe they're more useful than just typing endless random words. But yeah, I wish to get as fast on colemak as I am on qwerty, which is around 120 - 130 wpm.

Kristofer Hoch

hiramisu 15 timer, 44 minutter siden
For anyone needing an explanation: most of the time, when you look for a font to use or download, you probably would like to see what every single letter in the English alphabet looks like with that font. However, just having 'abcdefghi....' is not a very good representation of how the font would look like in practice. So, people have come up with something called pangrams - a sentence that uses every letter of the alphabet at least once - which achieves both of those purposes. The most famous pangram is probably 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', which is what the author of this quote is referring to, but there are a lot of other ones as well! Do you think you can come up with a sentence that uses every letter?

Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, James D. Watson

hiramisu 15 timer, 59 minutter siden
Wait, did you mean 10 to 20 micrometers for the size of an average animal cell? Because most people are definitely able to see something that's 10 - 20 milimeters (aka 1 - 2 cm) big.

Special Agent Dale Cooper

mr_justin 1 dag, 13 timer siden
What kind of fear would enter your mind if you had just been shot?

Shelby Tyler

furry 1 dag, 13 timer siden
Aww, thank you so much!

Suzanne Collins

furry 1 dag, 14 timer siden
Maybe that's why I like to stress eat. Although I know it's far from being good for you in any way, shape, or form, I feel like it gives me some form of hope, a reason to continue fighting.

Sorry that was kinda cringy haha

Mihael Radjail

furry 3 dager, 20 timer siden
That's so corny. I love it!


furry 4 dager, 12 timer siden
IMO in order for any organization to function well, there needs to be both leaders and followers. Nevertheless, I think this ratio is definitely out of balance and as a result, everyone is trying to fight for the king of the hill, and a lot of the effort spent on that could have been used for much more productive things. Still, we can all be leaders of our own lives.

Sans the Judge

hextille 4 dager, 18 timer siden
bro it's a two person interaction, low quality quotes negatively affect typists, a high enough proportion of low quality quotes will cause an exodus from this site. I will continue to 1star rate low quality quotes and leave comments asking posters to please refrain from posting quotes before they have read the quality guildelines / correctly learned the language in which they are quoting. The idea that thousands should suffer for the pleasure of one is morally repugnant to me, this is a place for people to train a skill, not earn dividends of self esteem from poorly formatted creative writing.


peermingle 5 dager, 18 timer siden
I am inspired!


furry 5 dager, 21 timer siden
Just wanna say this is the first quote I've ever typed on here with 100% accuracy <3

荷塘月色 - 朱自清

jiaping 6 dager, 16 timer siden
月光如流水一般,靜靜地瀉在這一片葉子和花上。 薄薄的青霧浮起在荷塘里。 葉子和花彷彿在牛乳中洗過一樣; 又像籠著輕紗的夢。 雖然是滿月,天上卻有一層淡淡的雲,所以不能朗照; 但我以為這恰是到了好處——酣眠固不可少,小睡也別有風味的。 月光是隔了樹照過來的,高處叢生的灌木,落下參差的斑駁的黑影,峭楞楞如鬼一般; 彎彎的楊柳的稀疏的倩影,卻又像是畫在荷葉上。 塘中的月色並不均勻; 但光與影有著和諧的旋律,如梵婀玲上奏著的名曲。

荷塘月色 - 朱自清

jiaping 6 dager, 16 timer siden
I can't understand that what happend but in this case I can't type anything in this article like the guy comment 7 years ago..... please add the traditional chinese in this website!!


user420192 6 dager, 21 timer siden
FUN! So hard that somehow *I* got the high score! LOL

No one

user420192 6 dager, 22 timer siden
I charted for the first time on this quote! :D 112.14, 99.4%. <3 <3 :D :D


furry 1 uke siden
I like this quote. Being the smartest person in the room doesn't mean anything really, because there's still so much room for improvement. You can still learn from others, just like how other people can learn from you.


furry 1 uke siden
I was half-expecting a misspelled word somewhere in there ;3 oh well! Valuable advice nevertheless, especially on this website.

Ruta Sepetys

milli 1 uke siden
this book was so good


linuxxx 1 uke siden