Impinsible - Fenrir Greyback

This quote ble lagt til av user67471
Moving from peck and hunt to touch typing is a big change. You might be a student learning it in high school or a professional seeking to improve your skills; it will be a difficult journey. But the real question is not if it is easy or difficult, the real question is: is it worth it? And the answer is; yes! For some people it will be only somewhat useful and for some it will simply change their life, but there will be none that will say it does not make any difference.

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halium 7 år, 7 måneder siden
You aren't supposed to capitalize a word after a colon or a semicolon you bellend; they aren't full stops. Where'd you go to school, kangaroo county?
whit.out.a.doubt 8 år siden
Dude. Spelling in the title. And complete sentences. No caps after a colon... And grammar. And... you know what? I'm out.

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ilovejujubee 132.44 97.9%
samuraininja 129.20 95.0%
munchkinbug 114.11 99.2%
ccampbell 107.22 99.8%
sophiesmom 104.91 86.2%
taro_curly 103.17 98.1%
tchrish 102.78 97.1%
klgrass84 99.68 96.2%
jeromy 96.45 96.3%
user472389 96.03 97.9%

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halium 70.67 92.6%
dezmao 34.92 89.5%
chariseg 42.59 95.6%
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ori-stereo 62.33 91.2%
armywife731 75.55 97.7%
saikatnath 28.94 86.2%
jasmin_black 50.66 94.4%