VoIP Introduction - Ganondorf

This quote ble lagt til av us_soldier31
Voice over IP delivers voice information over the Internet. This is done through sending voice information in a digital form within IP packets, rather than using traditional analog circuits.

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anhiro 5 år, 7 måneder siden
Kidnapping teenagers and usurping the crown by day, IT technician by night.

Or is it the other way around...?
brumpus45 6 år, 3 måneder siden
I like how the author that someone ascribed this quote to is Ganondorf. I was just going to write 'lol', but apparently that's too short of a comment. How's this, keyhero?
therachaelfish 6 år, 6 måneder siden
who capitalises internet?
It just throws you off and is an anachronistic capitalisation.

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