Welcome to the Astronaut Candidate Program - Mark Watney - The Martian

This quote ble lagt til av eros
At some point everything is going to go south on you. Everything is going to go south and you're going to say this is it! This is how I end. Now you can either accept that, or you can get to work. That's all it is. You just begin. You do the math, you solve one problem then you solve the next problem, then the next. And if you solve enough problems you get to come home. Alright, questions?

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typin_ 180.22 97.8%
user871724 163.95 97.8%
user37933 148.28 97.0%
vmlm 143.77 99.7%
hackertyper492 135.87 96.8%
mikelu92 133.75 99.0%
jpadtyping 133.69 98%
alliekarakosta 133.61 98.5%
user693695 132.28 98.7%
cellyphone 131.17 97.3%

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soymilk00 75.83 92.9%
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user80864 94.66 95.8%
trishadgk 122.65 97.3%
user105219 88.98 99.2%
user292247 51.13 95.6%