Tokyo Ghoul - Rize Kamishiro

This quote ble lagt til av user42921
There's no such thing as fate. It's simply a combination of one circumstance and the next. And who is it that creates those circumstances? Who is it? It's you.

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cjbprime 158.80 100%
user871724 156.10 91.9%
u557051 142.37 99.4%
wolfram 142.27 95.7%
vmlm 141.80 100%
plasma 138.24 98.7%
am4sian 137.23 100%
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user83447 132.35 99.4%
kub1c.elyhyperion 131.86 98.1%

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kicko 83.99 91.4%
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lynchrobinson 97.51 94.7%
guinessbook1 94.32 95.2%
petrolfume 95.91 94.1%
falsesu 74.49 96.4%
user106803 60.34 95.8%
bmcgoo 116.52 99.4%