Malala Quote - Malala Y.

This quote ble lagt til av kavya
Our men think earning money and ordering around others is where power lies. They don't think power is in the hands of the women who take care of everyone all day long, and give birth to their babies.

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violence_rage_momentum 4 år, 3 måneder siden
Even after taking a bullet in the head from those terrorists, Malala still professes for them and vocally support sharia and jihad.
Shame on that bitch!
weesin 5 år, 11 måneder siden
Perhaps the people leaving comments about this quote should take some courses in feminist history and theory prior to making comments....

This quote rings true...
namehere 5 år, 11 måneder siden
Maybe the comparison to cancer is a bit much, kristiano, but modern day feminism is quite up there with other epidemics.
kristiano 5 år, 11 måneder siden
Such stupidity to suggest that women are superior to men instead of advocating for equality. This is why modern day feminism is worse than cancer.
torious 5 år, 11 måneder siden
sorry that's not how the world works

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