Staying on the floor - Unknown

This quote ble lagt til av user810810
You only lose when you choose to stay on the floor. Take your time, gather up courageous strength, and get up after falling. You can't expect others to pick you up, but you certainly can hope that people will be by your side on the way. Always remember that you have to get up, by your own strength and will.

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
typin_ 175.11 98.1%
user37933 146.02 97.2%
am4sian 143.21 100%
tetriks4 139.59 97.8%
feuv 139.19 98.4%
user939249 138.07 95.7%
jpadtyping 136.77 98.7%
mikelu92 134.57 100%
quinoa 132.78 99.4%
gbzaid 131.25 95.7%

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
zalium 39.77 86.4%
typinglindsey 78.24 93.9%
user238034 89.20 98.4%
tjapit 109.11 97.8%
trishadgk 96.16 89.0%
jgdude 99.86 90.9%
typin_ 175.11 98.1%
avattavada 96.98 97.8%