Typing Quotes - CRMRT

This quote ble lagt til av cinnamonroll
This is a message to those who read this quote, as you type this as fast and accurate as possible. I hope this isn't too difficult. I wanted to add a quote that would be easy to type out, so that it may be used for practice. So I made my own quote. I can only hope this quote is accepted.

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tootsieroll 4 år siden
I appreciate this quote by a fellow roll. It's the right difficulty level, and content doesn't matter much when typing.
divine_. 4 år siden
I just don't get quotes like this. just stop making this type of garbage.
jackey2baccey 4 år, 4 måneder siden
how is typing easy stuff practice?
llamalland 4 år, 10 måneder siden
I hate quotes like this, they really take you out of the mental zone by trying to get you to pay attention to its inanity and are way less clever than the authors think they are.
brumpus45 6 år, 2 måneder siden
This was a surprisingly difficult quote to keep a steady pace for. Pretty good quote, it gave me a challenge that I needed.

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user871724 167.00 96.7%
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graben 135.74 99.0%

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hamchow 115.67 99.0%
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