A Fortune/In Tune - Unknown

This quote ble lagt til av spaghettiman43
I would pay a fortune to buy all the gas just to drive around the town with you; we would wake before the sun, throw out our maps, and get gone until our hearts play in tune.

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Navn WPM Nøyaktighet
user871724 182.90 100%
hiramisu 135.01 98.3%
koda 133.99 97.2%
strikeemblem 131.94 96.7%
dcb87 130.78 100%
scribop 130.70 97.8%
npabs 125.71 100%
gwaldrop 124.22 97.8%
paranoidminotaur 118.68 99.4%
user660825 116.94 98.3%

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kobe 54.85 93.6%
gappythnx 61.40 97.2%
kindpara 62.11 93.5%
user871724 182.90 100%
poschti 88.54 97.8%
hellawildtyper 83.49 95.1%
adriana-b 69.38 92.6%
lechu_ 81.47 91.6%