Fooly Cooly

This quote ble lagt til av capncanada
When you're in a town like this all covered with smoke, you forget that there's a world outside. Nothing amazing happens here. And you get used to that, used to a world where everything is ordinary. Every day we spend here is like a whole lifetime of dying slowly. But now Haruko is here. That's how I know there really is a world outside.

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bvw 5 år, 9 måneder siden
Every second is extraordinary. But there is "smoke" of all sorts everywhere. Smoke is the dust of what was burnt. The earth, the Earth, is covered with it! It is the soil. Life grows in it. Look through all this smoke. You can! With your inner eye. That is, with will and thought! Bust that smoke down with good deeds, good thoughts -- especially about others, and the biggest "other" to think well of is youself. You make your own soil to grow in.

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