A Sad Poem By A Sad Teenager - Anonymous

This quote ble lagt til av canyoujustnot
What's the point in trying, when you know you won't succeed? Why open your eyes, if you can't even see? Maybe one day I will throw away my life as I fail an attempt to fly just because I want to leave.

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weesin 5 år, 12 måneder siden
I'm sorry for your apparent struggles, however, I think it best you discuss your feelings with friends/family/clinicians rather than complete strangers on this site. As much as people here may sympathize/empathize with you and may wish they could help you, you really need to seek support from those surrounding you. Please discuss your feelings with your doctor if you have not already
mollohan_hannah 5 år, 12 måneder siden
don't do it... think of the many other reasons there are to live
namehere 6 år, 4 måneder siden
Relatable, but please don't do it.

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