Most common words in English - from Wikipedia

This quote ble lagt til av serpentine
the be to of and a in that have I it for not on with he as you do at this but his by from they we say her she or an will my one all would there their what so up out if about who get which go me when make can like time no just him know take person into year your good some could them see other than then now look only come its over think also back after use two how our work first well way even new want because any these give day most us time person year way day thing.

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vmlm 11 år, 1 måned siden
er... this doesn't really make any sense... I'm conflicted.. SInce these are the most common english words, it makes sense to practice typing them, but the quote makes no sense, and isn't any fun to read....
sagar 11 år, 6 måneder siden
Quote!! Really?
brakilia 12 år, 3 måneder siden
abokeh 12 år, 3 måneder siden
an unexpected quote

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