computer time - Faith Osborn

This quote ble lagt til av faithvictoria
Children should not be on a computer for more than three hours a day. Many kids nowadays spend way too much time on the computer doing random time-wasting stuff. If you're just going to do time-wasting stuff, then why not try to think of something productive you could do instead of wasting a bunch of time on the computer?

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helper 6 år, 5 måneder siden
So could you tell me the errors in the quote please?
oremus 6 år, 5 måneder siden
Wow, I found seven errors in one quote! That's probably a record for me. Please proofread your quotes before submitting.
helper 6 år, 5 måneder siden
This is so true and I really hope that this quote gets to be a real quote on key hero!

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