Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams

This quote ble lagt til av aprilmorning
Not unnaturally, many elevators imbued with intelligence and precognition became terribly frustrated with the mindless business of going up and down, up and down, experimented briefly with the notion of going sideways, as a sort of existential protest, demanded participation in the decision-making process and finally took to squatting in basements sulking.

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user267992 145.27 100%
typin_ 131.63 93.0%
zhengfeilong 130.32 97.8%
venerated 129.06 97.3%
louielified 127.41 100%
righthandonly 122.48 99.2%
zaoxa 119.65 97.3%
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charlieog 119.26 95.5%
tang 118.53 96.5%

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typin_ 131.63 93.0%
outofthedumps 59.39 99.2%
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user97523 82.11 96.8%
tsquared76 59.72 91.1%
user421490 65.71 93.2%
hellawildtyper 61.35 94.0%
user532355 45.17 90.9%